About USUSUSUS is a joint innitiative between AMSA USM, MyGutBrain Centre, and the GIFM Unit of HUSM. It acts as a platform and support group specifically for patients diagnosed with the DGBI/FGID spectrum. We provide information and education for patients based on the latest scientific findings in accordance to the local culture and norms.
USUS stands for Universal, Support, Unifying, and Study.
We hope that this platform could provide UNIVERSAL coverage on the treatement, management and education regarding DGBI/FGID. We also hope to create a network of circle where people affected by the same symptoms can come together and SUPPORT each other. Besides, we hope to provide a platform for patients to get connected with the healthcare providers from various fields (nurses, doctors, nutritionists, dietitians, and therapists), UNIFYING everyone under one roof. Lastly, To deepen and deliver knowledge, education, and information on DGBI/FGID according to the latest research STUDY. |